Friday, March 26, 2010

My Two Cents

I don't know whether I'm going to get this published all in one sitting or if it will even be posted today but I started this thought process in another blog and I wanted to continue it because well...I think I have a very valid point. I wonder how many people will agree with me...

Since when does having a reality television show make you a star? This thought process actually got started at work on Thursday when one of my co-workers was talking about the latest episode of Dancing with the Stars which of course caused us to focus on the "Stars" of the show and one name caught my ears...

Kate Gosselin.

When did she become a "Star"? Because that's not even in the top 10 people I think of when I think of someone who is a star or even someone who is on the cusp of being famous. Heck I don't think she'd be in the top 25 or 50.

Personally I can't stand her; I couldn't stand her on the episode or two that I happened to catch of Jon and Kate + Eight. I found her to be very controlling, uptight, and mean. I didn't like her attitude or how she treated people. I think the "fame" went to her head and while I don't necessarily blame her for all of it; I personally think that when there started to be marital issues (or rumors thereof) TLC should have said it's over; maybe we'll do a yearly special or bi-yearly special just to update viewers on how the kids are doing because that was supposed to be the focus of the show. How a normal family handles having a set of twins and sextuplets while trying to work, handle the sitter(s), handle getting (and paying for) groceries, diapers, formula and still having enough time to stay connected as a couple while making memories as a family.  I'm sorry a normal working class family does not live in a multi-million dollar custom built/designed home, nor does a normal family have personal/live-in nannies. She used those kids to get what she wanted for herself and it cost her something that I personally don't think it was worth - her marriage. Now I don't know the family personally so I don't know if there were problems before the tv show and I tried to stay away (by not reading/watching/listening) the drama but would you really have tried to have more kids with someone you couldn't stand anymore?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not harping on people who can afford it but it's not your typical working family. Nor am I harping on her for having kids just because we are struggling. I just don't like the drama that follows her everywhere. I mean those kids are going to hear about all the nasty things their parents said about each other and what/who they did- it's called the Internet - who hasn't googled their name or names of people they know before? I would just like to see Kate (and Jon - who while not included specifically in this is no angel) just fade into black - even for just a bit - to get their act together. Figure yourselves and your family out - without the public eye watching - and then if you still decide that you want the life of fame - do it for yourself and make it on your own name - not because you're part or were part of a show based upon your kids. Don't ride on the coattails of your children who didn't ask for this. And that goes for other moms of multiple know who I'm talking about.

Random Fact: The stage were the television sitcom "Friends" was shot on is said to be haunted.


Sheri said...

I totally agree with you...she annoys the crap out of me and I don't think she qualifies as a 'star' in any right...oh and just noticed she actually sextuplets on Octuplets would be what that other mom you didn't mention

Celyn said...

LOL - I've corrected that...Whoops...