Saturday, June 19, 2010


So I just finished a really good book. It's called "Fallen" by Lauren Kate. It was really good and there's another book in the series due out in August. I finished it in 2 days. I couldn't put it down and I got completely lost in my own imagination. It very well might be the next Twilight...I also picked up "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" by Stephenie Meyer when we were at the bookstore on Wednesday. I haven't started to read that one yet. I'm always amazed at how lost I can get in a book. I hope I can pass that trait onto my kids because it's really nice to be able to fall into a really good book, especially if you're having a rough day. The only bad part it sometimes you have to finish the book in order to walk even then it's not the worse thing in the world....

I'm trying to squeeze in a quick blog entry before the day gets too busy. There isn't too much to say. We're still trying...I have a doctor's appointment on Monday for a midcycle. I'm limbo I guess is the best description. Part of me, my heart is thumping away saying this cycle is going to be the cycle...The other, my brain, is saying we just need to get through this cycle to get to the hormone injections...

I think I'm going to unplug for the rest of the day...or until atleast much later tonight...Until then...

Random Fact: Rain contains vitamin B12.

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