Friday, July 15, 2011

More pictures....

Had another, unexpected, ultrasound yesterday. Midwife couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, spinning J and I into a whole other dimension...Everything is ok though. Strong heartbeat and a wiggly baby. :)

We even got a fairly decent picture of his/her feet with all the little teeny toes. :)

Random Fact: Statistically, you are more likely to be killed by a cow attack than a shark attack.


Sheri said...

LOL A cow attack! Really! That's hilarious! Also I think Nugget has the cutest current in-utero feet. :)

Sheri said...

Ha! Just noticed Nugget has a countdown! So cool! :)

Celyn said...

Yup cow attack. Amazing huh? I guess people have a larger chance of encountering a cow than a shark...Makes sense though - cows on land vs sharks in the ocean...However who looks at a cow and thinks, "That's a killer cow right there...." LOL...

Thank you for the comment on Nugget's feet...I'm quite attached already...